Hell of Chaos - Hell of Order.

Tomasz Tobolewski, Sebastian Kubica

“I prefer the hell of chaos to the hell of order...”

Wisława Szymborska

For Tomasz Tobolewski and Sebastian Kubica hell is purely a formal battle, an ongoing dialogue between artist-friends. Faced with the blankness of paper or canvas they question the limits and meaning of filling the empty space with the substance of paint or drawing. But chaos and order are also inseparable elements in the content of their works. Through their art, Kubica and Tobolewski aim to address man’s mistaken choices, twisted fates and the constant, often “infernal” search for balance and happiness. Despite their different styles, their work is part of the current of art that deals with important themes and touches on universal values.

Although both artists address important subjects, they speak of them without unnecessary pathos, much like a Polish highlander or a Silesian would. The value of their work is therefore measured by the authorial character of these exceptional creative individuals. At the same time, Kubica and Tobolewski do not cut themselves off from the past. They draw inspiration from the masters of Polish, Czech and Western painting, posters, engravings, literature, theatre and film. Their personalities and artistic sensitivity are continually shaped by real and fictional encounters with ordinary and extraordinary people.

The works of Kubica and Tobolewski transport us into an imaginary world that is nevertheless strangely familiar to us. Who hasn’t longed for a life in perfect balance, somewhere between the hell of chaos and the hell of order? Who hasn't dreamt of a happiness devoid of inner and outer conflicts and evils, of haste and impatience, and yet free from boredom, routine and clichés?

  • Sebastian Kubica

  • Tomasz Tobolewski